Diocesan Pious Associations

Vincent de Paul Society
Christian concern for the poor and the suffering is expressed through this association. Men and women motivated to Christian sharing come together and plan out social developmental programs based on Christian charity in the parish. The members hold regular meetings, prayer sessions, collection of contributions and distribute them to the poor. They visit the sick and the suffering and reach them timely aid.

Chairman: Most Rev. Dr. Agnelo Rufino Gracias

Director & Executive Secretary: Rev. Fr. Dins P. Johnz

Legion of Mary
The differentiating criterion of Catholics from the other Christian denominations is the deep devotion the former have for the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. Praying the rosary in the Catholic homes every day and its common recitation in ecclesial assemblies is done without fail. The Catholics take legitimate pride in seeking the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Every effort is made to spread this devotion among Catholics and the non-Catholics Christians and even among non-Christians. This is done by the members of the Legion of Mary. This association exists in a large number of villages in many parishes. The Legionaries try to emulate the virtues of the Virgin of Nazareth and inculcate these in others. Their regular visits to the Catholic families of the parish, their sympathetic hearing of the problems of the people, the prayer they offer for the members of the families they visit, especially for the sick, are some aspects of their activity.

Chairman: Most Rev. Dr. Agnelo Rufino Gracias

Director & Executive Secretary: Rev. Fr. Joseph Padayatti

Catholic Yuva Dhara
The future of the society as also of the Church rests with our youth. The youth of Punjab are a promising group. The Church is very hopeful about them. A good number of our Catholic young men and women are receiving good education. The Diocese has instituted a scholarship program, “Monsignor Alban Swarbrick Scholarship Fund”, to help our boys and girls in their secondary education. Hundreds of children are benefiting from this scheme. The Diocesan social work through “Navjeevan Charitable Society” provides scholarship to those pursuing Higher education and vocational courses.

In order to harness the energy of the youth for evangelization, Church welfare and for social uplift, the Diocese has established a youth organization called “Catholic Yuvak Dhara”. A constitution has been drawn up for this organization. (Confer the quinquennial report of Jullundur Diocese, 1995, annexure VI on page 65, for the text of the constitution). The name was changed to “Catholic Yuva Dhara” from 2008.

Volunteers and representatives of Catholic Yuva Dhara visit villages and parishes mobilizing support for their movement. Most of the parishes already have units of this youth organization. The Catholic Yuva Dhara is directed by the Diocesan Youth Commission. It is affiliated to the Indian Catholic Youth Movement of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) and participates in the national assemblies.

Chairman: Most Rev. Dr. Agnelo Rufino Gracias

Director & Executive Secretary: Rev. Fr. James Ullattil

Young Catholic Students
This movement for Catholic Students functions on the national level. Many of the schools in the Diocese have units of this national organization. In fact, this becomes the nursery for the Catholic Youth movement. Catholic students in our schools are grouped together by the directors of the respective schools. The directors of the schools being parish priests, the organization and instruction of the Catholic students who attend the schools attached to the parish are an important task for them. Besides instructing them in the fundamentals of faith, with the assistance of the religious sisters who help out in the school, the parish priests instill in the young students basic principles of morality and train them to take up responsibilities in the community as they grow up. As a result of the hard work of missionaries for years, our poor Christian families are showing a clear desire to get their children educated. Young Catholic Students movement in this Diocese gives greater hope of having an educated and dedicated laity in the future.

Chairman: Most Rev. Dr. Agnelo Rufino Gracias

Director & Executive Secretary: Rev. Fr. Betson Joy

Jesus’ Youth
Another strong movement is taking shape among our youth in some of the parishes. Active and zealous young men and women band together and engage themselves in the study of the Bible and organizing prayer. They are under the guidance of a coordinator of the North zone of the Jesus Youth. Training programmes are arranged for them on a periodic manner. They are having a very salutary influence on the parish. The youth are motivated to shun drugs and unhealthy activities through their active participation in the parish life. They are functioning in close collaboration with the commission for youth and prayer movements.

Chairman: Most Rev. Dr. Agnelo Rufino Gracias

Director & Executive Secretary: Rev. Fr. James Ullattil

Catholic Union
As a socio-political wing of the Church in Punjab an organization was formed under the name Catholic Union of Punjab. This was a unit of the Catholic Council of India. The purpose of this union was to represent the Church in the social and political spheres. It was an organization of the laity and functioned independently of the Church. Motivated Catholic laity as members of this organization try to exert their influence in the society and in the government working for the application of Christian moral principles in these spheres. They defend human rights and the rights of the deprived section of the Christian community.

The Catholic Union is presently not very active. Part of its functions is looked after by the Commission for Justice, Peace and Political Affairs. It is hoped that it can be revived in the near future. Efforts are being made to establish its units in every parish.

Chairman: Most Rev. Dr. Agnelo Rufino Gracias

Director & Executive Secretary: Mr. Younas Masih